Levi and Sophia Button
Sophia when we very first got her. She had gotten so big! Right now, we have 4 kittens running around our house.
Mommy and I
Kim and Caroline
Ana Banana, part of the Green family. We had smores!
Happy Fathers Day!
Early morning with the cats
heading to Kumbya! Left to right, Brandon, Me, John, Valerie
fish that Zach caught
In that green bucket is a whole bunch of little fish he caught with the pole our Memaw sent us
Valerie teaching the class!
Compassion International (read Caroline Newmans blog for more details of what went on this day)
The boys in a tree
Sophia likes watching the World Cup!
Pre school class :)
riding motos
Joshua Jules. Every morning before church, him and Willam (below) come over and we all go together
William this past Sunday
Mariana tracing the Africa outline for a painting
this is my painting. I cant find a picture of Marianas anywhere! I know there's one on facebook somewhere
Sophia, all grown up :)
My room. Thank you Mrs.Berg for the lights!
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