Friday, December 20, 2013
A Better Christmas
It's that time of the year again! Less than a week until Christmas day! In just a few days children will be waking up before the sun to see what presents await them under the tree. A quick glance at the crumbs on the cookie plate and empty milk glass will be reassurance to the little ones that Santa was really there. Children all across the world will be reminded that parents don't wake easily at 4:00 in the morning, and that a couple more hours can seem like days. As has been tradition, this is likely to be exactly how Christmas morning will start at the Land house, and though I'm as excited as ever, this Christmas just feels a little different to me... in a good way, of course.
This could partially be due to the fact that we will likely be spending Christmas in Rwanda next year. It could also be that, if, God willing, we sell our house, this will be the last time we will celebrate Christmas in the home we celebrated it in for the last 9 years. These are definitely not bad things... I'm very excited to see what God has in store for us as he leads us into the next chapter of our lives. It's just... different, but I don't think these are the REAL reasons why.
I think the real reason why this Christmas seems so much more exciting to me is because I am closer to Jesus Christ than I have ever been before. I feel like I am celebrating my best friends birthday with Him, and not just showing up to a party I was invited to to celebrate a persons birthday that I didn't really know too well. Does that make sense?
Many of you already know, but this last year has been huge in my spiritual growth. I can attribute this to many people and things, but it was all kick-started (using jet fuel) by the trip to Costa Rica and the people I was surrounded by (including my family). I have learned that, up until this year, I had been hearing and seeing, but now I am listening and believing. I believe that this isn't by coincidence, but that God has a plan for us all that was set in place a long time ago. I also learned that God is persistent... even if you don't listen right away, He will find a way to get through to you. For me it was Costa Rica... I thank God for that, and I thank all off you for your support.
So this Christmas, I urge all of you to invite Jesus in your home and celebrate with Him. After all, what's a birthday party without the birthday boy?
And please don't forget to keep those less fortunate in your prayers this Christmas as well.
Merry Christmas to you all!
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. - Romans 12:2
Monday, December 9, 2013
Counting down!!
Hi! Macy here. First off I just wanted to thank all of y'all SO very much for the support y'all have shown us. People we haven't talked to in years are suddenly sending us bible verses and letting us know they're praying - such a wonderful feeling. I love seeing my parents faces light up when someone mentions they are happy we're answering Gods call and that they'll be sure to keep our family in their conversations with Him.
So...just a few little updates on what's been going on lately.
1) Zach, my oldest-younger brother, and I are switching from public school to the homeschool program we'll be using once we get to Africa (Northstar). We're both super excited for this for a few reasons. One, just the thought of staying home for school is very appealing to us. Who doesn't want to go to school in their pajamas?! Next, both of us have a feeling that we'll develop a much closer relationship. I mean...we will be together for the whole entire day, after all. Third, neither of us are exactly in love with our current schools. Maybe it's just the whole it's school and every kid dislikes it factor, but I think we're a little bit different and leaving sounds absolutely great.
2) Our set date to leave for africa is around April 14th, and last time I checked that was about 120 something days away. We cannot wait!
3) for our whole family to go for a year is around 80,000 dollars. Since we are really really wanting to leave by April, we're hoping our house (which has been on the market for a few years) will sell soon! It would be a huge help. If you know anybody looking for a new house, send them our way! Haha :)
4) this goes for everybody - but Christmas is coming up! Merry early Christmas to you guys, incase we don't post until after. :) since this will be our last one in the states for a while, we're being extra sure to cherish the memories.
Thank you guys so much for praying for us! He is already making steps on our path to Rwanda, which is so awesome! See you later, and happy holidays again!!:)
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Rwanda, Africa
We are very happy and excited to announce that we have officially been accepted by VISA (Volunteers In Service Abroad) and by the Rwanda Area Director and will be joining the Bergs at Kibogora Hospital in April 2014!
Where We Are Going:
Kibogora Hospital is located approximately 100 miles west of Kigali on the shores of Lake Kivu. Though Kibogora isn't on the map, it would be very close to Kibuye.
The hospital is run by the Free Methodist Church. The hospital serves an area of over 200,000 people, but only has 269 beds.
For more information about the hospital, including 2 great videos, please visit
What We Will Be Doing:
We were assigned to be the Mission Compound Coordinators at Kibogora Hospital. Though we are waiting for the official job description, some of our duties will include:
When Will We Be Leaving?
We will be leaving in April 2014
How Long Will We Be Gone?
Our assignment is currently set for 1 year. Beyond that we will put it in God's hands.
How You Can Help
Above all we need as many prayers as possible. Here are some things you can pray for (please let us know that you're praying for us!):
We are also planning a garage sale on January 18th. If anyone has anything sitting around that they would like to donate, please let us know and we will gladly come pick it up.
And Now, The Moment We've Been Dreading
Another (big) way you can help us, if you're able, is by supporting us financially. It's never easy having to ask others for money, and we're quickly finding out that this is one of the hardest parts of preparing for a trip like this. We know God will provide, but we also know this won't be possible without contributions.
It will cost nearly $80,000 to go to Rwanda for a year. Some of our expenses include airfare, housing, food, visas, immunizations, health insurance, and educational expenses. If you feel God placing it in your heart to support us financially, we would greatly appreciate it.
All donations are tax deductible and can be made by going to the Free Methodist Church secure website at Checks can be sent to the following address:
Where We Are Going:
Kibogora Hospital is located approximately 100 miles west of Kigali on the shores of Lake Kivu. Though Kibogora isn't on the map, it would be very close to Kibuye.
The hospital is run by the Free Methodist Church. The hospital serves an area of over 200,000 people, but only has 269 beds.
For more information about the hospital, including 2 great videos, please visit
What We Will Be Doing:
We were assigned to be the Mission Compound Coordinators at Kibogora Hospital. Though we are waiting for the official job description, some of our duties will include:
- Manager support
- Support the local manager to provide teaching, education, and improving the quality and standards.
- Audit all accounts and give advice on financial planning for paying bills and remodel/expansion projects.
- Participate in weekly/monthly meeting of the mission leaders to make decisions, solve problems, and make improvement
- Future Development
- Work toward registering the guesthouse with the government as an official business.
- Create rules and regulations for the mission employees and for all people living on the mission.
- Hospitality
- Review menus and teach new recipes
- Model & teach good hospitality skills in welcoming and caring for guests
- Inventories of houses
- Oversee billing of visitors who pay in dollars, pounds, or euros
- Review schedule of workers, including holiday and sick leave
- Participate in monthly meetings to solve problems and make improvements
- Maintenance
- Monthly supervision of houses and exterior maintenance
- Monthly supervision of vehicle maintenance
- Review schedule of workers, including holiday and sick leave
- Supervise daily work for good quality and time management practices
When Will We Be Leaving?
We will be leaving in April 2014
How Long Will We Be Gone?
Our assignment is currently set for 1 year. Beyond that we will put it in God's hands.
How You Can Help
Above all we need as many prayers as possible. Here are some things you can pray for (please let us know that you're praying for us!):
- That we glorify God in all that we do (now and in Rwanda)
- That our faith continues to grow
- Spiritual, emotional, and physical preparation
- For Macy, Zach, & Brandon
- That our marriage continues to be strengthened through faith
- That our house sells (soon!)
- For Stephanie's mom to get better
- That all the kids school details get figured out
- That we raise the money needed to go
We are also planning a garage sale on January 18th. If anyone has anything sitting around that they would like to donate, please let us know and we will gladly come pick it up.
And Now, The Moment We've Been Dreading
Another (big) way you can help us, if you're able, is by supporting us financially. It's never easy having to ask others for money, and we're quickly finding out that this is one of the hardest parts of preparing for a trip like this. We know God will provide, but we also know this won't be possible without contributions.
It will cost nearly $80,000 to go to Rwanda for a year. Some of our expenses include airfare, housing, food, visas, immunizations, health insurance, and educational expenses. If you feel God placing it in your heart to support us financially, we would greatly appreciate it.
All donations are tax deductible and can be made by going to the Free Methodist Church secure website at Checks can be sent to the following address:
Make checks payable to: FMWM
Mail to: FMWM Attn: VISA Ministries
770 N. High School Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46214-3756
Please put the following code in the memo line: VIRWLandReg
Thank you! We are very excited to be serving God in this way!
Friday, October 11, 2013
Several months ago our family felt a calling to serve God by doing full time missionary work. We made a decision to take a leap of faith and leave the life we know to follow this calling. We created this blog to keep everyone updated on the progress of our journey. Please feel free to subscribe to this blog and please pray for us as we embark on this incredible journey to serve our God.
Thank you for checking out our blog! We hope you continue to read our future posts. We should have some information in the following weeks as to where and when we will be sent, and will keep this blog updated as we receive that info. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions (
Yours in Christ,
The Land Family
An introduction to our family
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Brandon Land: Brandon is currently a 2nd grader at Starkey Elementary School. He likes to play football and is up for just about anything as long as he's doing it with his family. |
Yours in Christ,
The Land Family
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