Monday, December 9, 2013

Counting down!!

Hi! Macy here. First off I just wanted to thank all of y'all SO very much for the support y'all have shown us. People we haven't talked to in years are suddenly sending us bible verses and letting us know they're praying - such a wonderful feeling. I love seeing my parents faces light up when someone mentions they are happy we're answering Gods call and that they'll be sure to keep our family in their conversations with Him. 
So...just a few little updates on what's been going on lately. 
1) Zach, my oldest-younger brother, and I are switching from public school to the homeschool program we'll be using once we get to Africa (Northstar). We're both super excited for this for a few reasons. One, just the thought of staying home for school is very appealing to us. Who doesn't want to go to school in their pajamas?! Next, both of us have a feeling that we'll develop a much closer relationship. I mean...we will be together for the whole entire day, after all. Third, neither of us are exactly in love with our current schools. Maybe it's just the whole it's school and every kid dislikes it factor, but I think we're a little bit different and leaving sounds absolutely great. 
2) Our set date to leave for africa is around April 14th, and last time I checked that was about 120 something days away. We cannot wait!
3) for our whole family to go for a year is around 80,000 dollars. Since we are really really wanting to leave by April, we're hoping our house (which has been on the market for a few years) will sell soon! It would be a huge help. If you know anybody looking for a new house, send them our way! Haha :)
4) this goes for everybody - but Christmas is coming up! Merry early Christmas to you guys, incase we don't post until after. :) since this will be our last one in the states for a while, we're being extra sure to cherish the memories. 

Thank you guys so much for praying for us! He is already making steps on our path to Rwanda, which is so awesome! See you later, and happy holidays again!!:)

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