About 8 months ago we said "yes" to God and what we felt He wanted us to do with our lives. We started the process to leave our current lives behind and go join our mentors (the Bergs) at Kibogora Hospital in Rwanda, Africa.
We spent the next several months doing research, sending and receiving info to and from references, talking to pastors, and filling out paperwork. Then we waited...
When we received confirmation that we were approved, we were overjoyed. We knew there would be a lot of work to be done, but we felt this was God's first affirmation that He really was calling us to do this.
Once we received approval, there was MUCH more paperwork to fill out. We spent the next few months doing more research, gathering info, compiling a budget, talking to family and friends, talking to pastors, and spending a lot of time talking to God.
Once some of the paperwork was filled out and turned in and our budget was approved, we were finally able to make an official announcement and start raising funds. Our target date was set at April 15th, and it was already mid-December.

We did some calculations and figured we could raise approximately half of the budget from the sale of our house. I remember telling Stephanie that there is no way we can go in April without selling the house... I could see raising half the budget in 4 months, but thought there was no possibility that we could raise the full budget in that short of time.
We worked very hard on our fundraising efforts through January and February. We did everything from a not-so-successful bake sale in what seemed to be 100 mile/hr wind to a very successful garage sale. We had some amazing supporters help us by donating financially and by donating items for the garage sale. The prayer support was awesome, and could be felt every day!
By the end of February, we had raised around $20,000, which put us right in line with raising half the budget by mid-April. The problem was that the house was seeing no action. We were growing more and more concerned by the day as we only had a couple weeks before we were supposed to pay for our plane tickets, but we still weren't sure if we would make it in time.
Then came March... Beth Palmer graciously put us down as the Mission Moment at our church, and on Sunday, March 2nd we spoke at all 5 services. We were so humbled by the amount of people that stopped by our table after the services. Some gave money, some said they will pray for us, some just wanted to talk, and some even cried tears of joy for us!
A few days later we were amazed by the news we received... The great members of First United Methodist Church collectively donated over $11,000 that one day! There was no doubt that God was a part of this, and this was further affirmation that He wanted us in Rwanda.
Unfortunately, there was still no movement on the house, and, with the deadline to book tickets looming, we were starting to feel a bit of pressure. We were starting to wonder whether or not we would make it in April, or if we would even be there before the church group goes in mid-May. On March 9th I decided to email our travel agent and asked if we could push the date back a bit. She tentatively put us down for a flight on April 23rd. Well, apparently this is when God wanted us there, as many donations started coming in right about that time.
In the first 15 days of March more people had joined our support team and donated more than in January and February combined! By mid-March, we had raised over half our entire budget!
One night around that same time, I sat down and re-examined our budget. We were able to save quite a bit on our plane tickets by going through a travel agency geared specifically towards missionaries. I also put in estimates for funds we were fairly certain we would be able to raise (selling Steph's car, final garage sale, etc.) When I was finished, we were amazed to find out that, after we raised the estimated money, we would be over 80% funded! Wow, God is awesome!
About a week later (on March 17th) we were informed that an individual donated $10,000 towards our ministry... I was speechless and felt like I could collapse. That put us just a few thousand dollars from being fully funded, and we still haven't sold our house.
I submitted the revised budget to our mission agency, and we received approval to purchase plane tickets! The tickets were officially purchased on Friday, and we are set to depart on April 23rd!

We feel God wants us in Rwanda in April. We aren't sure the reason or what he has in store for us, but are very excited to find out!
This whole process has been such a faith building experience for our family. I think Steph and I spent January and February trying to raise the necessary funds ourselves, and we were convinced that we would have to sell our house in order to go. In March, with the deadline looming, we turned it all over to Him, and He raised more in 15 days than we did in 2+ months.
I have learned a lot over the last few months. One thing I learned is that worry is a warning sign that you need to pray. Now, every time I start to get anxious, or start to worry, or start to doubt, or fear creeps in, I just say a prayer and turn it all over to God. You know what? It works!
This is from Macy:
Discourage, doubt, fear. All were present and wearing me down and gnawing on the edges of my heart. I can already hear Jesus, "oh, you of little faith." Yep. Just a few days ago I was sitting on my bed wondering if we were going to make our budget in time. I can bet I was a sight to see... wrestling with my heart. My own desires against the unknown. If only I would've just given up the struggle and trusted God... how much easier that would've been on my worried heart.
Just like Macy, I encourage anyone that is struggling with something to just turn it all over to God. He is an amazing and powerful God that wants nothing more than for you to be happy. He has worked so awesomely and in so many ways in our lives lately, and I know he will do the same for you.
So, how great is our God? I promise you that if you trust in Him and turn all fears and doubts over to Him you will learn, just like we did, that there is none greater than He!
Therefore, since through God's mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart.
2 Corinthians 2:1