You have multiplied, O LORD my God, your wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us; none can compare with you! I will proclaim and tell of them, yet they are more than can be told. -Psalms 40:5
Who would've thought 24 years ago when I first met Stephanie at Notre Dame Catholic School that we would one day become high school sweethearts and end up getting married?
Who would've thought 16 years ago when I started a career as a heating, refrigeration, and air conditioning technician at Hardin Heating and Cooling that I would one day be using the skills I learned there to work on endoscopy machines and incubators for a mission hospital in Africa?

Who would've thought 11 years ago when Stephanie graduated from UT Health Science Center and earned her BSN that she would one day be utilizing her skills at a mission hospital in Kibogora, Rwanda?
Who would've thought 15 years ago when our daughter, Macy, was born that she would one day spark a calling in Stephanie to do international missions, and would one day be teaching english to students at a primary school in Tyazo, Rwanda?
Who would've thought 14 years ago when Zach was born that he would one day be handing out soccer balls, gum, water bottles, and other goods to impoverished children in remote villages in Africa?
Who would've thought 8 years ago when Brandon was born that he would one day be visiting sick and injured children at Kibogora Hospital and would be providing companionship to destitute kids in the area?

Who would've thought 7 years ago when we joined Kerrville First United Methodist Church that we would one day be so blessed by the support from the members, clergy, and staff?
Who would've thought a little over a year ago when our church started a sermon series called "Sending & Going" that it would inspire us to go on the church's first coordinated international mission trip?
Who would've thought less than a year ago when I was still planning my and my families future around purchasing the family air conditioning business, continuing to be a partner and help grow a paintball business, and continuing to manage and grow a paintball league in central Texas that I would go on a short term mission trip to Costa Rica that would change my life forever?
Who would've thought when we returned from Costa Rica that things would move 100 miles an hour and 9 short months later we would have sold 95% of what we own and be on our way to Rwanda?
Who would've ever thought I would one day be sitting here at my home in Africa listening to the awesome rain falling outside and writing this blog post?

Well, this certainly wasn't my plan. This wasn't Stephanie's plan, nor Macy's plan, nor Zach's plan, nor Brandon's plan, nor the Berg's plan... There is only one that can truly take credit for all of the above... He is the divine planner, He is the King of kings, He is the way, the truth, and the life... He is God. Yes, God.
Jeremiah 29:11 says “'For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'”
Though God was speaking (through Jeremiah) to all the Israelites as an entire group and nation, I have no question that he knows the plans for each one of us as individuals as well.
Just looking at my own family, it's simply amazing to step back and look at the bits and pieces of the puzzle that God put together to put us in this particular place at this particular time. There are thousands more "who would've thoughts" in our lives to go along with those listed above.
So my challenge to you is to look back at the "who would've thoughts" of your life. If I were a betting man I would bet that, if you do this with an open heart and open mind, you will find God is and always has been there, even during the bad times. If you don't see Him right away just be patient and keep your heart open... It was less than a year ago that my life got flipped upside down and I realized how much He was in control.
So I'll close with this verse from Ephesians. Read it a few times out loud and always remember that "we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." -Ephesians 2:10
Wow. Thank you, God, for thinking of me, and thank you, Jesus, for preparing the way.
Thank you for the reminders! God is SO GOOD!
ReplyDeleteRegan....Who would've thought you'd grow up to be such a GREAT writer and communicator....BEAUTIFUL! I truly needed to "hear" this message, and might I add our God is so wonderous, he still uses old people, lol! Bible is full of those stories, always makes me smile, so who knows what lies ahead, isn't it wonderous, when we know God has it all worked out!