Wow! It is hard to believe we have been here three months. Sometimes it feels like we have lived our whole lives here and other days it seems we just arrived. God has been so good to us. In the short time we've been here we have met some really awesome people. God has been with us, watched over us and kept us safe and healthy (except for a few minor tummy aches with the kids).
Macy and Zach with the Kumbya youth group and its leaders |
Last week we enjoyed spending the week at Kumbya, which is a missionary retreat center close to our home at Kibogora. It was founded in the 1940's and is a destination for missionaries in east Africa to come every year to relax and spend time getting to know each other, but, most important, a time for revival and a quiet place where you are able to spend time with God and worship with people that speak your own language. We sang songs that we used to sing at church in Texas. It felt wonderful. We didn't realize how much we missed it. We loved getting to know other missionaries, hearing their stories and meeting their children. We learned so much, from how to make your own yogurt, to tips on raising your children in a third world country, to language study, to the vast difference in caring for patients in this culture.
The best part of the week was watching our kids play and hang out with other kids. I have not seen Zach laugh as much as he did last week since we left the states. I cannot tell you how good it made me feel. There are other kids here in our area, but not that speak much English and enjoy our same culture, so it was great for the kids to have American children to spend time with. Each morning they had VBS and twice there was a campfire by the water where they were all able to make s'mores together. Fun times that I am sure our children will never forget. But more important, they were able to meet other MK's (missionary kids) and make lasting friendships.
Building smoking volcanoes by the water! |
Mariana braiding Macy's hair in the sandpit! |
Brandon with his new friends! |
Happy boy! |
Lunch time! |
Zach perfecting his swan dive off the cliff jump! My kids are so brave! |
So back to work we went on Monday after a wonderful week of rest and revival! Which reminded me that I have not shared much about the hospital where I spend most of my time here. I thought I had prepared myself for what I thought the hospital would be like. Boy was I wrong. I think the first two weeks of being in the hospital I was in a little bit of shock. Things were so different and a bit scary at times. And the smell was the worst. Many, many times I thought I was not going to be able to do this. At the end of my first day I was so ready to leave and felt the strong desire not to walk home but to run. And I did not want to go back. That afternoon I kept asking myself "why God would have us come all the way over here if I was not going to be able to volunteer at the hospital?" I felt like such a failure. I spent that afternoon praying, crying and trying to figure things out. After much pray and encouragement from my loving husband and kids, I went back the next morning feeling that God was by my side. He was not going to let me be discouraged. He was going to help me and He did not expect me to do it on my own.
As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life
worthy of the calling you have received.
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in
love. Make every effort to keep the
unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:1-3
Since that day things have only gotten better. Yes, there are many challenges and frustrations and there is not a day that goes by that I don't wish I could speak this language. But I love the people I work with and I love the patients and their families. I spend my day in the minor surgery room giving sedation to patients so they will be comfortable for their procedure. This in itself is difficult. It's hard due to a huge language barrier, the fact that most of the time children don't want to have strange people touching them, especially when they look like a ghost compared to them and they know I'm about to either give them an injection or start an IV. But this is what God has called me to do. And it seems everyday I enjoy it a little bit more!
This is the road I walk down to get to the hospital. It's very busy in the
morning with people coming and going.
I enjoy seeing all the activity. |
Entrance to the hospital |
Driveway leading to the emergency room right after you enter
the gate. |
This is outside the women's ward, men's ward and recovery room.
The rooms are hot and stuffy, so during the day, the patients (if able) will come
and sit outside. Patients here don't wear gowns or armbands, so at
times it can be very difficult to distinguish between patients and visitors. Finding your
next patient can be challenging! |
This is Emmanuel, one of the patients I give sedation to.
He is such a sweet boy! |
My view when I return home in the evening. Beautiful! |
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord,
“plans to prosper your and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future.” Jeremiah 29:11
Please continue to pray with us. That God will use us for His glory and the He will give us strength and stamina to
carry out each day.
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