A day after Macy arrived we were back at Kigali International as we said goodbye to the boys' teacher and a family friend, Jaycee. We didn't know Jaycee too well prior to her arriving in September, but she has practically been living with us for the last 6 months, so she's become like family in that short time here and it was hard to see her go. As Jaycee went through the outdoor security and into the airport, Stephanie, with a tear in her eye, said "It's like sending one of our own children off."
Saying hello and goodbye has become a prevalent part of our lives here in Rwanda. Our hearts are always filled with joy when we welcome family and friends or when we meet a new individual or group for the first time. We have met and become friends with people from all over the world... Off the top of my head I can think of new friends from the US, Canada, England, Scotland, Holland, France, Germany, South Korea, Australia, South Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, and Kenya.
Many of the people we meet are only here for a short time, maybe 2-3 weeks on average. While that
may not be enough time to develop a deep bond, we have made many friends with these short term individuals/groups. Other than Julie and our family, there was a 3-4 month period that short term groups were the only ones coming to Kibogora. It's very difficult to form a feeling of community as "the community" is constantly changing. These individual and groups have been hard, as we would just be feeling that we were getting to know them and friendships were developing when it was time for them to leave. Goodbyes were always hard, but not overly difficult.
Then there's individuals and families that are here 3 or more months. The Bergs, the Greens, and Julie were all here for our first 3 months, and all helped us tremendously as we settled in. The individuals that we have been with for 3+ months not only have become close friends, but many will be lifelong friends. We feel there's a certain bond that you develop with others that have followed the same path as you and are serving along side of you halfway around the world. We work together, worship together, pray together, eat together, relax together, and have fun together. Our children all play together. We share our problems and frustrations with each other. The only downside so far is the goodbye's. Goodbye's are very difficult.
Currently, we are so blessed to have a mission full of individuals/families that are here for 3+ months. The Olsons, the Peters, The Albertsons, the Wongs, the Carpenters, Julie, the Greens (who have returned for 3 months), Lauren, Rachel, the Bergs (who have returned), and the Parks are all currently here serving along side of us. 32 people in all that are here and that make up the Amazing Community at Kibogora. It has been so awesome having all of these people here with us, and such a great change from just a few months ago when it was only Julie and Sheila here with us.
I'm definitely not looking forward to late May and saying goodbye to the Greens, Lauren, Rachel, and the Albertsons. I'm also not looking forward to early June when we say goodbye to the Olsons & Peters. I am, however, looking forward to the next month and a half of building stronger friendships, becoming stronger in faith through each other, and having a great time with this group of people God has brought together to do His work.
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ReplyDeleteAnd WE BERGS are DREADING mid July, when we have to say good-bye to you LANDS!! :( Whatever will we do without you??? Wahhhhhh. :( Well, like you said, let's at least try to make the best of the time we have left. Really wish we had both taken furlough at the same time. :(