Wednesday, February 5, 2014

God's Plan

Wow. Only 71 more days till our set departure date (April 17th)!

I probably shouldn't say 'set' because... well, anything could happen between now and mid April. Who knows? Really, only God's plan is 'set'. It is a possibility that we won't be leaving until after April.
Only God knows.

I'll admit that lately... I've been struggling with this. I mean... we have to raise a lot of  money in such a short amount of time. Looking at it from my small, earthly point of view, it just seems overwhelming. Unable to be done. So many doubts have been flying through my mind. My humanly self says: God, there's absolutlely no way! It's impossible... we don't have enough time. We're not going to make it.

I was having a conversation with Him similar to that a week ago. After a little while of doubting Him, I quieted myself. I decided to listen to what GOD had to say about it. After all, what do I know? And he replied with; Be patient, and know that I am God. Not be still... but be patient (which I guess could kinda mean the same thing... but that's not the point).

Wow... again. I've only heard The Lord speak to me a few times in my life. One was that Brandon's schooling situation might be experiencing changes soon, one was Him telling me we were indeed supposed to go to Africa, and now... this? How great is our God.

I'm not going to lie. I still have moments, days even, where I feel the weight of all there is to be done and the sound of the clock ticking just about makes me want to go to sleep and not wake up until all of this is magically settled out. But I also know that God, in all His infinite wisdom, has a plan. Maybe that plan is for our house to sell (by the way... it IS for sale if anyone wants it!!!) and us to leave by April. Or, maybe His plan is far different than ours.

The point is, it's silly of me to think I know better than the one who holds the whole earth in His hands.  To us, this seems like a huge mountain... all but impossible to climb over. But with the supernatural strength of our Savior, it can be done. Maybe not in the allotted time we had wanted, but it can still be done.

The bible shows time and time again mountains being moved in other peoples lives. Murderers become saints and the dead are breathed back to life. Anything is possible with God. ANYTHING. And while the only place I want to be right now is in Africa, God has a plan. If we don't get to go until later, okay. God has a reason for that. And if we get to go in April, we'll be overjoyed. But until then, we'll rest in the peace that comes from knowing  that any plan God has is far, faaar better than our own limited finite minds can think of.

Until next time,

(Oh, and also a HUGE thank you to everybody that has been praying for our family! It means so so much to us. We have been given a supernatural strength that we just KNOW didn't come from us. Please add a prayer of peace for us in this journey. :))

1 comment:

  1. Its wonderful to have the spirit of giving of yourself for the ministry, You can imagine what a great feeling the disciples of Christ had when they were sent to Go and make disciples and spread the word to all the lands , And He said see the fields are white and ready for harvesting beg the master of the harvest for more workers, And they abandon what they were doing and went. Of course God is not a God of disorder He tells us to in Proverbs 15:22 Plans fail when there is no consultation,But there is accomplishment through many advisers.Really while you wait do the ministry here many people here are in need of help ,how do you accomplish your ministry do you talk to people about Gods kingdom ? Jesus taught us to pray that Gods will be done here on Earth as it is in heaven , Ps. 37 :10 and 11 says the meek will possess the earth. And in Matt5:5 it says happy are the mild tempered ones for they will inherit the earth. I hope to live in that paradise That is spoken of in Rev. 21;what is your hope?
