Well, I know what happened... real life set in. We have been in Rwanda 10 months now. My feelings now are a bit difficult to explain. Some days I feel like I am barely able to keep my head above water. The constant challenges with language, changes in culture, shortages of supplies at the hospital as well as lower standards of care make being at the hospital on a daily basis difficult. Emotionally challenging to say the least. How I miss working with my old crew back in the states. Where things were clean, we had consistent supplies, where I could talk to my patients and their families without an interpreter, where I had other nurses to confer with. Where I didn't see children everyday that were malnourished or burned, or see so many people with osteomyelitis or post op infections. Some of these, like the burns, being so hard on my heart, wondering why on earth it happens and why so very frequently. It can be explained to me so many times and yet I cannot fathom why it happens. One of the things I will never fully understand about this way of life.
All I can say is thank goodness I have our Lord to depend on. Without Him, I could not do this. He gives me strength everyday to carry out what He called us here for. To take care of the least of these, to share His word and to shine for Him. I stumbled upon this verse last week while doing my bible study, "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:9-10. How fitting for my life at this particular time I thought. God's timing is always perfect.
The Father who dwells in Me does the works.
John 14:10
On the other hand, I'm constantly reminded of how blessed I am to be a part of God's plan. Blessed to be working with these people, the hospital patients and the staff. Blessed to be part of such an awesome missionary community, full of so much support for each other. I cannot imagine being anywhere else right now. In my heart I know this is where God wants us to be. And He will enable us to do His will! He will give us strength each day!
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